Managing science beyond research results...

In the last week of June I attended a teaching course entitled: “The Business of Managing Science: Entrepreneurial and Organizational skills for professionals working in life sciences” (BMS) organized by Institut Pasteur Korea (IPK) and the international Pasteur Network (PN). As a scientist recently transitioned to bioinformatics and computational biology... [Read More]

Álbum review 1 - Camões - Flôres

Iniciando um projeto que parecia que nunca iria sair do papel. Nessa série farei reviews de álbums que me trazem algum sentimento, alguma coisa diferente que me faz querer sentar, escrever, dividir… Nesse primeiro review, vou interiorizar o álbum Flôres de 2018 do artista brasileiro Camões. [Read More]

THLS - An open source dataset for Brazilian Portuguese speech processing

In 2016, during my Master’s program, I was researching about Speech Synthesis and Natural Language Processing. To the development of Speech Synthesis systems, I was spending a lot of time editing Speech databases for Brazilian Portuguese. The work included endless hours at the studio listening, trimming audio and checking if... [Read More]